Based in London

Current/Upcoming -

17th June-August - RiverLight, Sleaford, Lincs

1-25 July - Brixton Blog & Bugle show, London

3rd August - Black Shuck, Bungay, Suffolk

11th August - HorseFair, Horncastle, Lincolnshire

20-22nd Sept - Totally Thames Festival, London

9th November - Steep celebration, Hampshire

Website built with Indexhibit

Off the Fence

Collaborative temporary artwork commissioned by Brixton Project to celebrate 50 years of the Lambeth Country Show, Brockwell Park, London. 2024.


Interactive installation exploring neuroscience and brain health at the Fishing Quarter Gallery, Brighton, September 2023. Supported by Alzheimer's Research UK


Collaborative site specific artwork celebrating Sleaford's heritage created for RiverLight festival, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, June 2024.

Bright Winter Nights

Projection celebrating Bolsover Lantern Parade incorporating community participation. Created for Bright Winter Nights at Bolsover Castle, December 2023

A Wondrous Odyssey

Participatory project exploring the Conan Doyle Collection through drawing, film and installation. Portsmouth Central Library, November 2023


Projection commission for RiverLight Festival, incorporating public and school workshops, October 2023

Reading the Sea

Intaglio installation for A Life in Letters exhibition at The Folly, Settle, North Yorkshire, July 2023

Black Shuck

Projection for 'A Straunge and Terrible Wunder' performed as part of the Black Shuck Festival, at St Mary's, Bungay, Suffolk, August 2023


Animated film to mark 75 years since the last Great Horncastle Horse Fair, presented at the Lion Theatre, Horncastle, August 2023

A Wondrous Odyssey

Collaborative moving image image shown on The Big Screen, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, January 2024

The Firebird

Moving image projection for London Medical Orchestra performance of The Firebird Suite by Stravinsky, St Mellitus Church, London, December 2022


Projection installation in Holy Trinity church, Barsham, Suffolk, November 2022

Colnbrook Reimagined

Moving image installation incorporating workshops with local residents. Colnbrook Museum, Berkshire. March 2022.


Photographic drawing on panel commission for Llanthony Secunda Priory, November 2020

Funnel Vision

Projected moving image commission, Clay Cross, Derbyshire, September 2021

North Place

Installation exhibition as part of an artist residency at Meantime Project Space, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, July 2013

The Illusions of Mystery

Participatory project exploring the Conan Doyle Collection through drawing, film and installation. Portsmouth Central Library, November 2021


Etching and watercolour on panel


Projected moving image commission for GLOW 2019 at Eastbury Manor House, Barking, London, 2019

Lea Valley

Etching and aquatint on wood

Reimagining Elgar

Projected moving image to accompany performance by pianist John Reid, Somerset, February 2020


China marker drawing on wood, 2019


Projection installation with the Khrisma4 string quartet for Riverlight festival, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, March 2022


Indian ink and shellac on wood, 2019

Der Musensohn

Moving image projection to accompany recital by tenor Nicholas Mulroy and pianist John Reid, Somerset, February 2020

Approach Embellished

Etching and aquatint on paper


Moving image projection commissioned for Spilsby Light Night 2020


On display at Parallax Art Fair, Chelsea Town Hall, London, 2019


Commission for Spilsby Light Night 2019, Lincolnshire

Light Waves

Commission for Transported at St Botolph's, Boston, December 2014

New Work Continued

Moving image installation at The Wilson, Cheltenham, October 2018

Night Dances

Moving image with piano collaboration with pianist John Reid, part of the Aurora orchestra Lock-In series at Kings Place, April 2018

Into the Deep



Commission for Spilsby Light Night 2019, Lincolnshire

Jungle Edge

Ink and gouache on wood


Residency at the Crypt Gallery, London, May 2016

Clarence Street

Etching on paper


Intaglio on panel



Landscape - ongoing series

Conte on wood

Shadow Play

Commission for Altered, Lincolnshire, May 2014