Visual Artist

Upcoming events -

9th November - Steep900, Steep, Hampshire

17th November - Light Up Leigh, Greater Manchester

21st-23rd November - WeShine, Portsmouth

21st Nov-21st Dec - White's Eco Light Festival, Hants

29th November - Bright Winter Nights, Bolsover

30th March - Symphonic Dances, St Mellitus, London

Website built with Indexhibit


Commissioned by Transported for Light Waves at St Botolph's Boston, on display over five evenings in November and December 2014. Multiple part moving image installation projected onto the East end of the chancel, the ceiling of the nave, the crossing floor, a scale model of the church and for the final night, the church exterior. Delivered with technical support from Popcorn Media. The commission included several drop in workshops, including a moonlit drawing session.

Projections onto ceiling and East End (Photo credit Electric Egg)
Projection onto East End
Five part projection onto church exterior
Projection with church chancel
Projection onto model of church
Projections onto ceiling and East End (Photo credit Electric Egg)
Projection onto ceiling
Projections onto church exterior
Projections onto floor and East End